I sent Ashida Kim a new offer yesterday, offering him to give up his lying ways. In truth, I am sick of him making videos of himself, proclaiming he is a master of the ninja. Well, he replied to my message.
Here is my message I sent him. As always, I will censor out personal things such as private names and places. "Subject: A new offer
"Mr. Davis,
"Hello. I hope you are well. My name is ****** and I also go by the username
********** on Youtube, and I went by the username ********** on your forum before I was blocked. A sent you a private message via Youtube inbox quite awhile ago, offering you to train in the Bujinkan. I said that you would gain much respect if you admitted your wrong ways and moved on from them. You thanked me but you declined my offer, and did what I would consider admitting that you are a fraud. I accused you of being a fraud and you did not deny it in your response, so I thank you for that.
I realize that in a decade or so you will be into your elderly years, and I would be greatly bothered knowing that you had died surrounded by your own lies. I will live to see your passing, and I consider all life sacred and I believe that all life deserves to die peacefully. So if you are able to die peacefully knowing you had deceived thousands of people and were considered a fraud by 95% of the martial arts community, so be it. But I truly do not want to see you go like that.
"On your "Official Sh*t List" on your site, you note "The Warrior strives to reach above himself, his false perceptions, his adversaries... His highest achievement is not one of victory, but one of absolute truth." This are powerful words, master. I wish you would truly live by them. It is not too late. The simpler path is to die in a lie, but the more rewarding path is to admit your wrongdoings, knowing that God would bless you and forgive you for your con-artist-like actions. Heck, you could even admit it in a humorous way if that is easier. You could create a new interview similar to the one you have on your skssystems account. You could have the interviewer ask the question "You are considered a very controversial figure in the martial arts community. Is it true that you are a fraud?" Your response could be something like "Oh, honey I made that ninja sh*t up all by myself 30 years ago! What else do you want to know?" People would really love that! They'd respect you, and they'd be so surprised. Have you seen some of the comments left about you on other people's videos of you? Have you read reviews of your books on Check them out:
I wrote one myself, entitled "Buy this book! It's hilarious!" I realize I was a bit disrespectful in my review, so I apologize. I also left a comment on this person's review:
But my point is, you are no longer fooling anyone. Anybody who does any research about anything to do with you will quickly realize how much of a fraud you are. So you have nothing to gain from still pretending to be a ninja, but much respect and peace of mind to gain if you admit that you are a fraud.
"I realize that with you being in your later years, you can't take too much physical training. So scrap the idea of training real ninjutsu. That's fine. You could just admit your wrongdoings and live the last few decades of your life in peace, respect, and honor. That is my wish. Please consider it.
"I just want to help. If you need anything let me know.
"A friend in the martial arts"
Take a look at his reply:
"Hello ******,
I am afraid that my tour dates are all booked up for this year. Unfortunately none of the seminars that I will be offering will be in **. However, there is one in October in **** ****** *****, Florida which is not too far from you. As you have so kindly extended an invitation to train with Shidoshi **** ******* and his group in the past. I would like to do the same as a gesture of charity and goodwill. Myself and the other Grandmasters of the Black Dragon Fighting Society will be putting on our annual event there. If you would be interested in coming and training with us for a few days, you may get a better perspective on what is happening with us and our training. There is no experience that beats real experience. By all means, this invitation is extended to your teacher and any students or friends you may have that would also like to attend. It is a great 3-5 day training event and it doesn't even have to cost your group anything but travel expenses.
Thanks again for your deep concern the Martial Arts."
Notice how he completely refuses to acknowledge my offer and instead changes the subject. This was very frusterating to me, as I worked hard writing the message I sent him.
I sent him a reply:
"Mr. Davis,
"Thank you for the offer. I will consider it, please consider my own."
I felt compelled to stay on his good side, seeing that perhaps I'm one of the few who was able to get past his fraud side without him blocking me. I cannot afford to lose this ability now, but I brought back up my offer as you can see.
Again, his reply did not talk about my offer at all:
"Great, let me know and I will send you all the information.
"Take care"
I probably should have expected this. Instead of thanking me for the offer and making an honest attempt to accept it, he tries to offer me to a seminar he is hosting. I'm not sure why he thinks I will attend. Honestly, I would love to attend as an anonymous student and have a chat with him. However, I'm not sure I can afford the trip to Florida.
More to come,
The Truthful Warrior
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